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  • Club: Suffolk Bugrs

    Suffolk Bugrs VW Club is a friendly Volkswagen owners club.
    Welcoming owners of Air-cooled and Water-cooled Volkswagens regardless of whether they are Classic or modern.

    Our aim is to get v-dubbers together to have fun, make friends and gain valuable contacts in the scene.

    The club is very friendly, and our meets and events are relaxed and informal and fun whatever your age.

    If you want to join us, read latest news, check up on events, search our galleries, or get advice – it's all here – and more!

    We meet throughout the year. We also arrange club camps and arrange club camping at some VW shows throughout the year. Please look at the Events & Meets page for further details.

    Link information


    Name: Suffolk Bugrs
    Founded: 01.05.2005

    Место/Држава: Suffolk, United Kingdom
    Језик: English


    • Tип1 – «Буба» <1958
    • Tип1 – «Буба» 1958–67
    • Type1 – «Bug» >1967
    • Tип14 – «Карман Ђија»
    • Тип147 – «Фридолин»
    • Тип181 – «Кибелваген»
    • Tип2 T1 – «Бус» 1949–67
    • Тип2 T2 - «Бус» 1968–79
    • Type2 T25/T3 – «air cooled» 1979 – 82
    • Тип2 T3 – «са воденим хлађењем» >1980
    • Тип3 - «Фастбек, Ночбек, Варијант»
    • Тип34 – «Карман Ђија»
    • Тип4 – «411, 412»
    • Голф 1
    • Порше – «356, 911, 912, 914»
    • Приколица
    • Разно

    Number of members: 140

    Contact information

    Име: Naomi Wilcox
    Улица и број: 188 Nacton Road
    Број поште, Место: IP3 9JN Ipswich

    Матерњи језик: English
    Други језици: English


    Контактирати Naomi
    Сви огласи од Naomi

    Име: Naomi Wilcox
    Место: Ipswich, United Kingdom
    Member since: 25.11.2015

    Језик: English |
